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Recently, i have discovered a great website, my surprise,

it is the place where you can all stuff that you want and those that you cant

find outside in shopping mall. what a great thing i have ever seen! most

importantly, the prices of the goods there are quite reasonable and

affordable. so , if you have free time, dont be stingy to visit

You can find jugs, souvenir, t-shirt, mug , puzzle, key chain and many

more. so what are you waiting for?

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The image at the top is taken from the website. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan.

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Recently, i have adopted a pet dog, Huppy , for temporary lah! It's my cousin's one. I took care for it for a week. Quite a cute dog. What was bad is that my dad ang i had to clean her ' good things' daily

She is Huppy, She is Huppy, my cousin's pet.

wah, Huppy almost knock the camera!!!

Hai everyone, I am Huppy.

My Lucky. What is it starring at???

wAh, 'Why you take my handsome photo'

i am not Lucky. I am not as fierce as him.

' eh, let me off!!! Set me free!!!!'

WHATs the big deal??? Am i cool???

Have you being shocked by my eyes?

where is Huppy?

Oh, here you are. why do u hide there? I wonder

Lucky Vs Huppy

No, no. Don't bark at me. Whats the matter?


hai!!! Do you know where am i sitting at?

Bye Bye. i want to sleep

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Last Saturday, i have been to the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK). it is the latest building in Kuching in conjunction with the green International activity.Till now, it has not been fully completed, but will be officially open in October. A good place to visit.

Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK), another attractive destination of Kuching!

Cool design!!!!!!!

I wonder how they built it? Just so impressive

THe main entrance. Oops, i took my father's pic.. the one on the left lah...

wah, a good view from BCCK

Green International. Must support it o

Hmm.. not that crowded. maybe it is still early

he he , that's me

the interior design , really got international standard

quite a large space for meeting and exhibition

first floor ...

one of the hall, i think it can accommodate more than 5000 people..

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8 August , an important night, cauz i went to Kuching Festival for the Isuzu Night. I had had fun there, just so HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!

I got the poster!!! Hurray!!!!!!!!!

This is him. GAry YAp, the host for Isuzu Night!!

Orange, not the fruit lah, nut she is an artiste

group photo of The performers of Isuzu night.

THe night view of MBKS. It looks so luxurious

Wang Yi Fei & Miao Miao Group

two stars are chatting, Gary yap and Danell Lee

tHe host, arh, not that important lah, hahaha

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一年就这样过去了!去年的今天是我生蛮低潮的一天, 因为那一天, 我的外婆去世了。我没想过那天会这么快到来。那一天所有发生的情节仍然历历在目, 无法忘记。当我放学知道这坏消息时, 我整个人都愣了!眼泪也流了出来。自从外婆的离去, 我也变得独立许多。 外婆, 愿您在另一个国度能安息。 我会永远想念你。

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